Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Swimming in a sea of happiness

So it has been so long since I have made a blog post and a lot has been happening. Things have been so crazy here in Granada.  And I am down to less than two weeks here in this beautiful city that I have called my home for four months.

So what have I been doing you may ask? Well...

I went to a karoke night with my barrio. It was so much fun. We sang songs like Tik Tok and the Macarena. It was great to let loose and hang out with my friends from my barrio.

I also went on a trip to Priego. Priego is the hometown of my host mom and she was so excited for me to see her little city. I went with a group of IES students and we visited an olive farm. It was super cool because we were able to see trees that are more than a 1000 years old. We also visited the factory where they make olive oil. I learned what makes a good olive oil and what makes a bad one. I am now knowlegdable in the types of olive oil that are best to buy!! Priego was gorgeous and the weather was perfect to walk around, eat lunch by a fountain, and watch a flamenco show!

One of the 1,000 year old trees on the olive tree farm

Another cool thing that I was able to experience was a bullfight. It was a little scary when they killed the bull, but it was so interesting how they maneuvered their bodies around the bull. My favorite part was one when of the bullfighters sat on the ground in front of the gate when the bull was about to come out. He got trampled a little bit, but he was okay. A few days later I was able to meet a real life torero and a very cute one at that. He talked about how much preparation and training actually goes into bullfighting. We got to touch his cape, which was super heavy. And he showed us some bullfighting techniques. 

Here in Granada in the beginning of May there is a festival called Dia de las cruces. During this festival the normally private historical houses of Granada open up their doors and let the people come in. In their houses there are crosses made out of flowers. Each cross has its own distinct theme and surroundings. The participant with the best cross wins a prize!

I have learned that Spain is such a perfect place to have class. For my watercolor class we took a trip to the campo where our director has a friend who owns an organic farm. We were able to go to the house and paint. The house was amazing. The family had a tennis court, a pool, and tons and tons of land with perfect views of the mountains.  It was so nice to sit outside in the sun and paint.

Also, I have had one of my favorite trips this past month. This past weekend I went to Cabo de Gata, which is a city along the coast.  It was one of my favorite trips by far. We took a bus to the beginning of the National Park and then hiked 9 miles along the coast.  We climbed cliffs and maneuvered around rocks.  At the top of the cliffs I was able to see the most breathtaking view of the sea. Even though it was so hot it was well worth it when we made it to one of the beaches and took a nice refreshing dip in the sea.  Along the walk to the hostel I even stopped on the beach to touch a jellyfish1!  That night we all ate pasta and salad at a restaurant by the sea.  I saw the most beautiful sunset and then I was able to look at the most spetacular stars while laying on the beach. I star tipped and played the shoe game. I got so dizzy, but laughed a lot.  The next day I woke up and headed straight to the beach to lay in the sun and relax. Only taking a break from sunbathing to go kayaking in the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean Sea.  Kayaking, although hardwork, was so worth paddling through the waves to see hidden coves. The trip was short, but the memories from it will last forever.

As my days here in Granada are quickly coming to an end. As I am bogged down with papers and end of the semester work. I cannot help but go sit in the park, finding a sunny spot in the grass and think of how blessed I am for such a wonderful experience.  How grateful I am for all the sights that I have seen and all the great friends that I have made. I have grown so much as a person from coming to Spain. I feel so at peace where my life is right now. I am awestruck by the miracles Grananda has worked in my life. I am truly thankful for this opportunity.