Monday, January 30, 2012

Home Away From Home

My desk area. I have lots of shelves and a coat rack!
My bed, which is surprisingly comfy
My closet. It has two mirrors, one on each side of the door.

I have my own bathroom and lots of places to put my stuff.
The sink area.
The Bidet aka the butt cleaner (this picture is for you Amy)

My shower. In which I take a navy shower. Turning off the water everytime I put soap or conditioner on.

The table where I eat breakfast every morning.
The kitchen where my host mom cooks delicious food.

Here are a few pictures of my home away from home!! It is quite a big adjustment from living in America. Way shorter showers. Having to remember to turn the light off everytime you leave a room.  They conserve energy way better here than we do in the States. The food here is a lot different. So far for breakfast I have had cereal (a mix of cornflakes and an oat cereal that has fruit in it), lots of fruits (kiwis, oranges, mandarines, apples, bananas), tostada (with olive oil, highly recommended), and lots and lots of coffee. For lunch (the biggest meal of the day which comes at 2:30) I have had empanadas, soup, chicken made many different ways, lots and lots of break, and a lemon pudding sort of thing. For dinner I go out for tapas (sort of like an appetizer).  Here in Granada when you buy a drink then you get a free tapa. For tapas I have eaten mini pizza, french fries, pasta, potatoes with cheese, chicken wings, chicken soldera, pan con tomate, and other little things.  It is a pretty inexpensive way to eat.

Living in a new country is definately an experience, but so far I love it!! We shall see how I feel when I actually start classes. Today I took a placement test for my spanish level. Hopefully I get into the advanced level or I will not be able to take some of the classes that I need to fulfill the requirements for Hope. So I am praying that it all works out!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Alpujarras Valley

 Here are some pictures from my hike through the Alpujarras Valley yesterday.  The Sierra Nevada mountains are so beautiful.  The pictures that I took don't do justice to exactly how beautiful the mountains truly are.  It was so cool hiking in these mountains, especially since there are towns tucked into the mountains. The houses in the towns are all white.  This is because during the summer it is to prevent them from getting too hot.  In the mountains there is a river, which the towns use to obtain water.  The river begins in the north where there is snow.  When the snow melts it travels to the south where there is more sun. The Spanish people who thought of this were very intelligent. Some of the land in the mountains is what they call "natural," which means that there has been no human activity.  Other parts has been changed in order to cultivate beans and other agricultural products.  We hiked about 3 hours through the mountains and it was one of the greatest experiences, despite the fact that my entire body is sore today.  I would love to go back here again when everything is green.  If you would like to see more pictures of my adventure through the mountains check out my facebook album called Alpujarras Valley!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Days of Craziness

There is so much to tell about my first days in Spain.  I have been so busy here and have not been able to charge my computer. If this is really long I am sorry. But here are what my first 4 days in Espana were like.

Monday January 23, 2012

A very long day. I woke up early in the morning to finish getting everything ready for my trip. It was hard to believe that that day I would actually be getting on a plane to go to a whole other country all by myself. I woke up feeling naseous and scared to death, but there was no going back. Once at the Grand Rapids airport with my family there we sat around for what seemed like forever. The minutes went by so slowly, but the time came when I said goodbye to my family and went through security.  Of course after getting through security I waited about an hour more because my plane going to Chicago was late. Finally, I got on the plane and I was off to Chicago.  Once in Chicago I had to lug my heavy carryon and my back breaking backpack to gate H19 which was way far away from where I got off the plane. Thankfully I didn't fall over and I was able to sit down and wait for my plane to Madrid.  We got on the plane at the right time, but then we waiting on the landing strip for forever. When we finally made it off the ground it was getting late.  I was exhausted and luckily I had an entire row of 4 seats all to myself. I guess not many people were going to Madrid that night.  I had my first airplane meal consisting of beef roast and potatoes. It was pretty good. After that I feel asleep for a few hours.....

Tuesday January 24, 2012

Bright and early in the morning the plane began to descend to land in Madrid. By this time I had to go to the bathroom and I had my first airplane bathroom experience. The only word to describe it is strange. Madrid had the most beautiful sunrise. Words could not describe it. If only I had a window seat to show everyone a picture.  Finally, the plane landed and we were way late. The flight attendants didn't make a big deal about it, but once we were in the aiport there were people that were yelling "Malaga, express connection." We had to get through security and fast. The place to get your passport stamped was very complicated to find. It included riding in extremely small elevators and running through the airport. I thought that I was done after getting my passport stamped, but I was wrong. Next came security. Just like in America you have to take your shoes off and put all your stuff in the bins, but in Spain there were way more people and they were all yelling in Spanish. It was absolutely crazy.  After making it through security, my new friend Danielle and I fled to our our gate to catch our airplane. We made it on time, along with a bunch of other IES students. After an hour on the plane we were finally in Malaga. Danielle and I found a taxi and put all our luggage (my suitcase was way bigger than hers) in the taxi.  We got to the hotel and we got many papers and other orienation materials. We also got our cell phones.  Then we went up to our rooms. The first room that my roommate and I had, had not been cleaned.  The bed was unmade and the towels were not clean. After switching rooms, the IES orientation leaders took us on a long long long walk (2 plus hours).  They didn't want us to sleep quite yet.  I had my first spanish lunch and I got sick! (I guess it might takes some time to get used to the food here.  After lunch I showered (finally) and then we had to go for another walk. This time after showing us a few landmarks (including Picassos's birthplace) the leaders said goodbye and left us on our own. I went with some girls and we found a great tapas place, which we were lured to by a man named Pepe who offered us free wine (vino dulce de Malaga).  The tapas were delicious, along with my first ever sangria. After that the group of us walked back to the hotel and fell asleep quickly. I was so exhausted and we had an 7:30am wake up call.....

Wednesday January 25, 2012

The wake up call came way too soon!! All the IES students ate breakfast and then it was off to orientation.  The director and other workers for IES talked about the program and other things to expect.  After what seemed like forever it was time for lunch. More good food. Then I was off with my fellow blue bus riders to Granada.  It was so cool because our bus was the bus used by the professional soccer team of Granada. The ride to Granada was absolutely beautiful.  We drove through the mountains of Sierra Nevada. It was amazing (Yay!! I do have pictures for this!).  Upon arrival to Granada, all of our families were waiting on the sidewalk outside a hotel for us. They all had our pictures and were looking at their papers trying to match names with nametags and pictures with faces. My host mom (Pura) found me and like it was explained in orientation, it was a very awkward moment. I realized quickly that my host mom did not speak any English. My host mom came with another mom and so we were all going to ride in a taxi together. But there was no way to fit four of us and four suitcases into one small taxi. So I rode with the other host mom and her student in the taxi and my mom walked to where the other mom lived.  Once we arrrived after making a circle to get to the street. My host mom and I lugged my luggage to my road. At home, she showed me how to used the lock. Turning two times to lock and unlock. Before dinner we took a wal (un paseo) around Granada, which is such a beautiful city Then we ate dinner. Sopa and chicken and tomatoes with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Delicious! After eating, I was exhausted and feel asleep very quickly... 

Thursday January 26, 2012

Again the day began to early at 8am.  I ate breakfast and then my host mom walked me to the IES center. Here we had a language class (in a museum next door), then took a tour of the IES center.  The center over looks the Alhambra, a beautiful Mosque (pictures to come). After this we had coffee. For which I only had 20 euro and the place did not have change for that, so the woman said I could come back and pay the next day (definately not something that would happen in America).  Then we had more class. Then I went home and ate lunch with my host mom. She is a great cook. After lunch I fell asleep in the chair watching the news. I quickly woke up in order to meet a friend in order to go find an adaptor to charge my computer.  We walked forever and never found a store with adaptors.  We gave up and got ice cream and then tapas. I had my first ever mojito. Here is Granada when you buy a drink you get a free tapa. Very cheap!!! After the mojito we walked some more and the found a place to have cokes and more tapas. We were all exhausted by this time and headed home. Little did we know that we would get lost (despite the fact that I live on the main road). Finally after asking many random stranger along the street for directions we made it home. Off to bed I went, after quickly charging my computer and talking to my parents, thanks to my host mom finding an adaptor in her drawer in the living room!!! 

Friday Januaray 27, 2012

That is today!!! I went to class and we learned about the neighborhood. There is so much to know about this new culture. I will list later all that I learn, but this post is getting long. So after  class I ate lunch with my host mom then skyped with my mom and sister. Now I am off to go for a walk on the streets of Granada and to get tapas with my friends. Hasta Luego!!