Monday, January 30, 2012

Home Away From Home

My desk area. I have lots of shelves and a coat rack!
My bed, which is surprisingly comfy
My closet. It has two mirrors, one on each side of the door.

I have my own bathroom and lots of places to put my stuff.
The sink area.
The Bidet aka the butt cleaner (this picture is for you Amy)

My shower. In which I take a navy shower. Turning off the water everytime I put soap or conditioner on.

The table where I eat breakfast every morning.
The kitchen where my host mom cooks delicious food.

Here are a few pictures of my home away from home!! It is quite a big adjustment from living in America. Way shorter showers. Having to remember to turn the light off everytime you leave a room.  They conserve energy way better here than we do in the States. The food here is a lot different. So far for breakfast I have had cereal (a mix of cornflakes and an oat cereal that has fruit in it), lots of fruits (kiwis, oranges, mandarines, apples, bananas), tostada (with olive oil, highly recommended), and lots and lots of coffee. For lunch (the biggest meal of the day which comes at 2:30) I have had empanadas, soup, chicken made many different ways, lots and lots of break, and a lemon pudding sort of thing. For dinner I go out for tapas (sort of like an appetizer).  Here in Granada when you buy a drink then you get a free tapa. For tapas I have eaten mini pizza, french fries, pasta, potatoes with cheese, chicken wings, chicken soldera, pan con tomate, and other little things.  It is a pretty inexpensive way to eat.

Living in a new country is definately an experience, but so far I love it!! We shall see how I feel when I actually start classes. Today I took a placement test for my spanish level. Hopefully I get into the advanced level or I will not be able to take some of the classes that I need to fulfill the requirements for Hope. So I am praying that it all works out!!

1 comment:

  1. Haha thanks for the picture! Love seeing what the rest of your home looks like :)
