Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Whole New World

Here are some pictures from my walk to the Alhambra.  The Alhambra is one of the most famous mosques around and it is a hot tourist spot for people who come to visit Granada.  Granada is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever been to.  There is so much to see.  It is a whole new world to me.  It is so much unlike the United States.  The architecture here is much much much more antique. For me it is way more beautiful than the modern cities in the states.  Here there is a story for every building and the buildings tell their own story through their architecture.  While walking home from the Alhambra, I was able to watch the sun set through the trees.  It was a breathtaking sight. 

There is so much about this new world of Spain and so much to experience that at times it is overwhelming.  I had my first experience with homesickness the other day.  It is hard to be away from home and to not know much about the country you are living in.  To live in a place where people speak a whole different language than you.  The language barrier can be super frustrating at times. Despite all this things, I know that this is an experience that I should not waste being homesick.  I need to make the best of the beauty that God has allowed me to experience while here in Spain.  I will do my best to experience everything, even the simple things like buying food in the market or shopping for shoes during Rebajas. 

I hope to begin to fit into the Spanish color despite my bright jacket.  At least some tourists think I know what I am doing. Just last week a young Asian tourist asked me directions to one of the plaza. I laughed to myself because I had no clue, but I pulled out my map and I helped her with it anyway.  Hopefully, she made it to her destination despite the confusing directions I gave her that I am not even sure were right.  No pasa nada. Can't wait for more adventures in Spain!!

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