Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Blessed Beyond Belief

Last week was completely crazy. I started classes, took a trip to Ronda and Sevilla, and got my intercambio.  Last Monday I started classes and I have a pretty full load. I am taking a total of five classes, with only one class in English. So far I like my classes. I am in the first advanced level Spanish language class.  I am also taking Lorca and the Andulusian Literature. I love this class. Lorca was a poet, writer, composer, director and so much more. He was born and raised in Granada.  He is a true Granadino and the people of Granada take a lot of pride in his works.  There is even a beautiful park with lots of fun playground equipment (yes I have already played on it!) named after him.  Through reading his poetry and other works I get a glimpse into the real Granada. It is a very culturally and intellectually stimulating class.  I am in a class called Watercolor Workshop: Painting the Landscape of Granada.  We haven't actually started painting yet, but we are working on drawing.  It is very interesting because I am horrible at drawing, but the teacher is really patient. Last week we took a field trip to a museum with lots of art work and had to draw a piece. I picked a wooden sculpture of Jesus Christ on the cross to draw. I definately did not do the work justice, but hey I tried.  I think the class will be a lot of fun because we spend half of the semester in class and half out in museums and other places drawing what we see.

I am also taking a class called Islamic Art and Architecture.  This class is my only class in english and is taught by the same professor that I have for my watercolor workshop. It is funny to hear her talk in spanish in one class and in english in another. This class also has a lot of field trips, which I am excited about.  There is a lot of islamic architecture in Granada and it is absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to learn more about where it all began.  Finally, I am taking a class called women in mediterranean film. This is my least favorite class because the teacher talks really fast in spanish and some of the stuff about film I really don't understand.  But I will stick with the class because who doesn't like to watch a movie every class period.  With all the Spanish I am taking in, the next thing I know I will be dreaming in Spanish. lol.

This past weekend I went with all the students in IES on a trip to Ronda and Sevilla. The trip was so much fun and these cities are absolutely beautiful and have so much history.  On Friday, we got on the bus at 7:45am (sooooo early) and headed for Ronda. I don't know how long the bus ride was to Ronda (I slept most of the way), but we finally arrived and I was so glad to get off the bus.  The first place we went to in Ronda was the Plaza de Torros. This is where they have bullfights!!! In the middle of the plaza there is a statue of a bull. In the plaza there is also a garden, which if you walk through there is a look out with the most incredible view. I was lucky enough to be able to eat my lunch in the sun looking out at this view. In these moments I wonder how I got so blessed to be here, to see so many incredible things.  I am so thankful. Other sites in Ronda that I got to see were the Puente Nuevo, and grand bridge that connects the old party of the city to the newer part and the Arabian bathrooms (baños de arabos).  The bathrooms were used by the muslims to wash themselves before entering a mosque to pray. They created an aqueduct in order to transfer water to the bathrooms. There were 3 areas within the bathroom, which increased in temperature. The whole things was an ingenius idea.

 Puente Nuevo
Banos de Arabos

 After walking around A LOT we headed back to the bus to go to Sevilla. The bus ride to Sevilla reminded me so much of home.  There were many green fields. I fell asleep and and when I woke up thought I was on my way to Holland to go to school, but then I remember ohh yeah I am in Spain. Once we finally arrived to Sevilla we headed straight to the hotel, but there was no time for sitting down. I headed out with a few other people to go on a bike ride through the city. It was quite an experience. Somehow at one point I was riding on a street full of people, not a good plan. After a while my group luckily found the bike path. We rode along the river and the lights shining onto the river was breathtaking.  There was so much to see in Sevilla, but it was getting dark.  So we headed for one last adventure to find the Plaza de España, where they filmed (I think) parts of the first star wars movie (don't quote me on this). We rode around the front of the building and it was older architecture and was beautiful, but nothing in comparison to what was on the other side. The other side was filled with fountains, bridges, and tons of what seemed like hand painted tile. It was amazing. I wish I could have taken a picture, but unfortunately my camera was on the verge of dying. Hopefully, I can go back to Sevilla and get some pictures. After seeing the plaza we headed back to the hotel to eat and then go see a flamenco show.  The flamenco show was really cool. The movements all have a purpose and a story. The show was spectacular. After the show I headed out with a friend from IES to meet with some girls from Hope that are studying in Sevilla. It was so great to see a familiar face.  We didn't stay out long because I was wiped from my long long bike ride.

The next day we went to a sort of Palace. It was beautiful and had a lot of intricate architecture. It was seperated into several building and had a lot of gardens in it.  It was really cool.  After visitng that, we headed to the Cathedral de Sevilla. It is the 3rd largest cathedral in the world. It was breathtaking. There was so much history.  There was a sculpture of Christopher Columbus being carried by four kings.  There was also a huge organ that is still played today. We walked up 34 slants to get to the top of the cathedral where we looked out and saw the entire city. The view was indescribable. The climbing was well worth it. After a long day, we all got on the bus and headed to Granada. It was such a great trip!

 The Cathedral de Sevilla
View from the Cathedral

Other exciting news that I received this past week was the name of my intercambio. Basically an intercambio is a Spanish person who you interact with. My intercambio is a girl and is named Pilar. We have been emailing and chatting, but I hope to meet up with her soon. I need to practice speaking more Spanish!!! Also, I bought a ticket to go to Carnaval in Cadiz. I am not really sure what it is all about, but I shall see this weekend!!

Hasta luego!

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