Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Call Me Maybe

So I decided to do two blog posts since it has been a long time since I have written and I think that writing down both Morocco and the other days in one blog is way too much. So lucky for my readers here is another blog post and I promise this one will be shorter.

So after a wonderful week in Morocco I returned to classes on Wednesday. I was lucky because we only had two days of classes before the weekend. On thursday I had a test in my language class and then I took a field trip with my favorite professor, Ana, to the Alhambra.  It was such a fun field trip because we got special VIP passes and we got to go in parts of the Alhambra that only special groups get to go into. We got to enter the Queen's dressing room and we got locked in the tower of the captive princesses. So I guess that makes me a princess now. lol.

The weather has been beautiful here. Perfect for eating ice cream...especially at Los Italianos, my new favorite. It is also perfect for going to a great restaraunt called the Mirador that overlooks the Alhambra to celebrate my friends birthday. And also, a perfect time to go hiking in the Los Cahorros. Hiking through the mountains was breathtaking and again waking up early was well worth it.

Well, this week brings only 3 days of classes. There is a strike tomorrow in the entire country of Spain so I do not have class. Then friday I am off to Germany for Semana Santa. Cannot wait to share my adventures from my first travel experience in Europe!!!

Ps. Thank you to everyone who put stuff in my care package. I feel so loved and blessed to have such great family and friends. Miss everyone!!

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