Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring has sprung and it is keeping me on my toes

Spring is on its way here in Spain. I am really loving the weather. Sixty degrees and sunny. It is a nice change compared to enduring the cold weather that Michigan brings. I cannot wait for it to get even warmer here. So along with spring, the month of March has brought with it so many cool outings and activities, and unfortunately also projects in tests (I guess I did come to Spain to study, not just lay around the whole time).

This past week I had my first test, in my Lorca and Andalusian Literature class, and I had to turn in several project proposals. Actually doing homework has been to tough to get back into because I had such a long break, but hopefully it will all come back to me how to to homework and study. 

On Wednesday, I had my second and final spanish cooking class. We learned how to make lentil soup and we made this really tasty apple tart. It was so much fun because it was actually my turn to cook. I helped cut up the apples and put them on the tart. It was such a simple recipe. I definately want to make ti when I return home. 

Thursday was an especially awesome day. In the morning I had my orientation for Morocco. We got our packing list and helpful hints on what to expect while we are there. The orientation got me really excited to go. I cannot believe that I will be in Africa this upcoming weekend!! What a life!! Also on Thursday, my art and architecture class got a brief lesson on caligraphy. I learned out to write my name in Arabic during the session. It was sooo cool!!! Also that night I went out with some girls from my neighborhood and we had a game night!! We went for tapas first and then we went to this cool place that had all kinds of games like Tabu, Trivial Pursuit, and Uno. It was such a relaxing and fun evening.
My name in Arabic!!!

On Friday I took a field trip with my class to Malaga. We went to two museums, including the Pablo Picasso museum. Picasso was born in Malaga and live there for some of his life. Antonio Banderas is also another famous person who is from Malaga. In the Picasso museum we got to do a workshop where we scratched a design into a CD and then covered it with ink and the pressed the design into paper. I am so lucky to have an opportunity to do such hands on things. After we finished up the workshop some of us headed to the beach to eat lunch. Although it was freezing, it was still really nice to sit by the sea and relax for a little while.

 My CD design.

Yesterday, Saturday was yet another packed day. Around 5pm I headed to a Granada basketball game with my neighborhood group. It was so fun!! We got free strawberry milk and I got popcorn and we sat and watched the game.  Even though Spain is not the best at basketball and our team lost, it was still a fun outing. Later on after the game I went out with my friends to my first ever discoteca. We danced into all hours of the night. It was such an interesting experience experiencing the Spanish youth culture.

 Basketball Game!

Next week I have two exams and a project proposal due and I leave for Morocco on Thursday!! Another busy week. And soon it will be Semana Santa, for which I have finally finalized my plans. I will be heading to Germany, Amsterdam, and Scotland!! I am so excited for all there is to come!!!

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